UMEE Blockchain & Interface Beta Testing Walkthrough: From Test Tokens to Feature Testing

Crypto Metaverse
4 min readApr 26, 2022

The UMEE is a Cross Chain DeFi Hub for rates, staking, and interoperability. Today, I will show you the steps for beta testing UMEEs platform on Testnet.

Prerequisite For Beta Testing:

1. Metamask wallet with Goerli Testnet (check this video.)

2. Test Ethereum (check this video.) in Metamask wallet for fees (Goerli Testnet)

3. Add ATOM in Metamask: 0x110bE24B5515DD08c0918B63660AE4eE5cEd3c9c

4. Keplr Wallet

UMEE Blockchain & Interface Testnet Experience

Section 1: Connecting Wallets:

Step 1: Visit: , at bottom left corner, you will see option for connecting wallet. Just click on it.

Step 2: Connect UMEE, CosmosHub, Osmosis and Juno wallet one by one.

Step 3: Add Goerlli network to Metamask by Settings -> Show Test Networks (On) -> Switch to Goerlli network

Step 4: Connect Metamask with Testnet

Section 2: Receiving funds from Faucets:

Step 1: In Keplr wallet, select the Umeemania testnet under the “Beta support” section in the network dropdown list on Keplr.

Step 2: Just click on wallet address, it will automatically get copied.

Step 3: Visit UMEE Discord (, Visit Testnet channel -> Join Here & click on emoji’s

Step 4: In the #umeemania-faucet channel, enter the “!request <wallet address here> (remove the “<>”)” using your wallet address. Repeat step 1, 2 & 4 with CosmosHub, Osmosis and Juno wallets. You will receive the funds instantly.

Step 5: For receiving Test Ethereum in Goerli (Görli) Testnet Network, check this video.

Section 3: Transferring Tokens from ATOM to UMEE Blockchain

Step 1: Visit, select Cosmos, hover your cursor to UMEE and click Transfer.

Step 2: Select UMEE network, decide amount of ATOM you want to transfer from Cosmos to UMEE then click on transfer and approve the transaction. Within seconds your transaction will get completed.

Section 4: Supply & Withdraw

Step 1: Visit, click on UMEE.

Step 2: A new window will pop-up, select (1) Supply, decide (2) amount then click (3) Supply. Approve the transaction and within seconds your transaction will get completed.

Step 3 : Repeat the step 1, a new window will pop-up, select (1) Withdraw, decide (2) amount then click (3) Withdraw. Approve the transaction and within seconds your transaction will get completed.

Section 5: Borrow & Repay

Step 1: Visit and click on UMEE.

Step 2: A new window will pop-up, select (1) Borrow, decide (2) amount then click (3) Borrow. Approve the transaction and within seconds your transaction will get completed.

Step 3: Repeat the step 1, a new window will pop-up, select (1) Repay, decide (2) amount then click (3) Repay. Approve the transaction and within seconds your transaction will get completed.

Section 6: Bridging from UMEE to Ethereum Blockchain

Step 1: Visit (1), (2) switch to Ethereum, (3) Hover mouse to ATOM & click transfer.

Step 2: (1) Select Ethereum, (2) Decide amount, (3) Select Fast and finally (4) select Transfer. Approve the transaction and within seconds your transaction will get completed.

Step 3 (Optional): Check transaction status in Etherscan

…In the end

Here is my final feedback:

· In my case transaction got successful in a few seconds.

· The UI design is extremely clean and effortless to understand.

· Please include price chart function like the Trading view

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