#01 Maximize Your Earnings by Joining Beta Testing and Project Alert: A Guide to Getting Involved Early and Making Money

Crypto Metaverse
2 min readJan 21, 2023

If you are looking to become involved in a project at an early stage, consider joining the waitlist for projects that have already raised a significant amount of funding from investors. This can be a good indication that the project has a strong potential for success and that there is a high demand for what it is offering.

(1 of 4) Alert: C3 Crypto Exchange

💎💎 Funding: Raised $3.6 Million

👉👉 Steps: Visit this site, Click on Connect Wallet, Select Networks, Enter Email

(2 of 4) Alert: Lighthouse Beta NFT

💎💎 Funding: $7.0 Million

👉👉 Steps: Visit this site and fill the form

(3 of 4) Alert: Blue Network Beta Access

💎💎 Funding: Raised $3.2M

👉👉 Steps: Visit this website and enter your email for beta.

(4 of 4) Alert: Bundlr

💎💎 Funding: $5.2 Million

👉👉 Steps: Fill this google form and use this Answer Key: A, B, A, B, B

Congratulations ✌! you’ve achieved another milestone!!

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